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 Learn how to trade forex


"My satisfaction always came from beating the market, solving the puzzle. The money was the reward, but it was not the main reason I loved the market. The stock market is the greatest, most complex puzzle ever invented – and it pays the biggest jackpot….it was never the money that drove me. It was the game, solving the puzzle, beating the market that had confused and confounded the greatest minds in history. For me, that passion, the juice, the exhilaration was in beating the game, a game that was a living dynamic riddle, a conundrum to everyone who speculated on Wall Street." 


Jesse Livermore,  from reminiscences  of a Stock Operator 

FHI Online Trader Training Course

FHI Online Trader Training Course

FHI Online Trader Training Course
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FHI Introduction Trader & Investor  Course

FHI Introduction Trader & Investor Course

FHI  Trader & Investor Evaluation

FHI Trader & Investor Evaluation

FHI Module I - The Market

FHI Module I - The Market


Introduction to Trading the Financial Markets 



We have reviewed our offering of the trader training and can now offer new entrants a package that provides great value and very affordable.  Investing in yourself is the best investment a Person can ever make. 


Taking into consideration the after effects of Covid 19 we have transformed the course into five  intensive  Seminars with three additional extra seminars.  You will have the opportunity to learn in your own time online followed by one months support.  You will have access to Seminars for six months from subscribing allowing you to review the details covered, The seminars will give you the answers to:


  • How much can  I earn ?

  • How Long Will it Take to Learn ?

  • What do I need to know ? 

  • What should I be trading ?

  • How to Trade  profitably ?



The Trader Training Seminar

Five Unique Seminars 

Plus Three Free Bonus Seminars

Online Feedback Tutorial (TBA )

+  1 Month   Trader Support  Package



Course Fee:  £1495.00






Fountainhead Investments
Seminar Tutor 




A former professional Trader will be your course tutor on the course. His background is detailed in the introduction video.  He has worked in the City since 2005 and has not one but two Investment Advice Diplomas  with the Charted Institute of Securities and Investment.


As a  successful consistent trader you can earn between 5 - 10 % a month on capital deployed. There is no limit to how much profit you can earn. On the flip side you could lose your all your capital if not traded wisely. 


This is practical Trader Training, rather than theoretical "You buy here, then sell here." of typical courses run by Sales Men. 


Testimony of 1-2-1 Mentoring student.


"  I enjoyed the session very much. There are  a lot of things I learnt from it,  which has enlightened me and I will make good use of the trading platform. One of the important lessons were knowing when to place a potentially profitable trade.


The only thing is the time was so short. If we had plenty of time , I would have loved to get more because you are a good teacher and also well experienced. Hope to make fast money as you did when you started.

Thanks a lot."    

Susan  - From  Swanley Kent 


NB: It's not  recommended trying to make money fast. You will find out why on the trader training : Trader support network. 

One Month

Trader Support


The trader training course provides attendees with a solid foundation to develop their career in trading. The principle objective is to set traders on the right course to become competent and profitable traders. This will speed up the traders learning curve substantially and subsequently save them significant amount of time and money.


The Trader support puts the flesh on the bones of the trader course. This is the most important part of trader development as you need to put into practice what you have learnt . The Trader Support and Coaching includes the following:


  • Trader training


  • Attendees that become traders may wish to have additional tuition and can book individual one to one mentoring on a more intensive basis. 


  • Direct contact with a Tutor to discuss your situation





Start Trading for yourself 


If you are a Trader and wish to Trade the Financial Markets  you can register your details  for Traditional Financial or Crypto Markets with Level II trading platform. 

forex trader training

learn to Trade
like a Pro   
in Your own home 

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