Developing Your Trading Plan
The Trading Plan
The Day Traders Daily Preparation:
The Trading Day
Grade how alert you feel between 1 - 10
Any Distractions ?
Complete the Prep Sheet
Trade Log
Research the Daily Brief
Don't Trade until this Preparation has been carried out Phase I 08:00 - 11:30 Phase II 13:30 - 16:30 (Spot Market Close)
Phase III > 21:00 hr (Futures Market Close)
Trading Objectives:
Morning Trading = 5 Ticks Afternoon Trading = 5 ticks
NB* Tick Per Lot size i.e 1 lot = 10 euros 5 lots = 50 euros 5 Ticks on a 1 Lot = 50 euros 5 lots= 250 euros Money Management Principles
Divide the Trading Account into 20 Units (or 40)
Daily loss limit the size of 1 Unit of the Trading Account
Have a Nett 5 - 10 tick per day objective (after Commissions)
Trade for 5 ticks AM
Trade for 5 ticks PM
Focus on Probabilities on each trade
Diversify one's trading
i.e Trade Butterfly Spreads
Or Spread Trades (Not to be confused with Spread Betting)
Outrights to be traded with extreme caution
Zero Tolerance on the Daily Stop
Stick to the Butterfly Spread as much as possible
Trade the Anti Martingale Strategy
Scale IN to Trades
Losing Trades:
Take a Pause. Change one's state of Mind (Stand Up, Tea Break or take a Short Walk)
Wind Down - And Consider what is going wrong!
Reduce one's Lot Size
Trading Performance Review
Review Objectives defined
Compile a Daily Record
Record if how much one allowed a position to be off side
Number of Trades
"Instead of hoping the Trader should fear; instead of fearing he must hope. He must fear that his loss may develop into a much bigger loss, and hope that his profit may become a bigger profit!"
Jesse Livermore Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre