Questions & Answers
Standards & Integrity
The above are the principles that we are guided by.
In return we expect our clients and shareholders to be honest and open in their communications. If there are aspects that need clarifying we expect you to raise them with us. Once you have done your due diligence we expect you to make a firm decision whether or not you wish to proceed. Below are some questions you may have about us.
Who are you ?
The Fountainhead Investments is based in London , England .
It is formed by Peter A Barnett who is the CEO and Founder. He has 15 years extensive experience in financial services, including Private equity, stockbroking, inter-dealer broking and derivatives trading.
What is the company background ?
The company is registered in England and Wales. It trades it's own capital in the financial markets for and on behalf of it's shareholders. It also provides online courses , trader training and facilitation for traders with 0 -18 months experience looking to improve their understanding of the sector and trading results.
Are you FCA Regulated ?
Short answer: As a proprietary Trading Company NO.
The placement of private company shares is an unregulated activity and is only suitable for qualifying investors.
No regulation is required for Trader Training.
What is the qualifying criteria to be able to purchase shares?
We don't take on retail investors . We can deal with only institutional and Qualifying investors who have an understanding of the risks and reward .
We assess a potential investor on the following criteria:
Knowledge and Experience of Investing
Attitude to Risk
Time Horizon
What are the benefits of owning the redeemable shares?
There is no limit to share price appreciation. (Capital Growth)
Defined risk, limited to the capital invested.
If the company redeems it's shares then you will receive 100% of the amount you invested back plus an additional 7.5%.
Dividends on performance.
Are the returns guaranteed ?
Short Answer: NO.
If this is a question you need asking you are not a suitable investor for any of our services. Investing or trading is a risky business. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Risk can be mitigated through a number of ways for example:
The Amount of Capital Allocated for the Investment
Receiving Dividends ( Each Dividend payment reduces your Risk)
Diversifying of Capital invested - different Asset classes - Trading strategies
Duration of the Investment
Go to the Contact TAB and discuss your options with us.
What's the catch?
We are a private limited company so you will need to be a qualified investor to invest. We are not looking for orphans, widows or people who require the word "Guaranteed returns" because they are seeking a risk free investment or promises thereof. Only serious investors that understand and accept the principles of risk and reward are accepted.
What's the minimum investment Size ?
£12,500 for the redeemable shares
£2,495 Trader Training Course
£495 Online Private Equity & Stock Speculator Course
What happens if I wish to sell early ?
If you wish to sell your shares early, then you will be given a valuation of your holding based on the current share value. You may not get as much as you put in if you withdraw within three years of investing.
What happens to the capital ?
If you wish to apply for redeemable shares with FHI then the funds are used for as per the business model in the information memorandum. That is a combination of working and trading capital.
As a shareholder you receive a share certificate and are placed on the company share register.
What is the Trader Training Aspect?
This is a highly regarded introduction to trading the financial markets. Suited to people wishing to take control of their own portfolios and trading accounts. The course lays the foundations for you to build upon your knowledge of this arcane sector. This course can now be taken remotely online via Zoom.
See full details: Trader training Tab
I have Questions not featured here!
Contact us and we will be happy to discuss.
"Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another deal by trade and give value for value."
Ayn Rand - The Atlas Shrugged
"Dictum Meum Pactum"
(My Word is My Bond)