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Crypto Currency Investments
Digital Asset Management
Digital Currency Asset Management
Ray Hammond on the nature of money - Futurist Keynote Speaker
The Opportunity
Capital Growth 12 - 24 Months *
(* Qualified Investors only)
Crypto Currency & Block-chain is the disruptive challenger to the Central Banks and the Banking Communities oligopoly on money. Money is simply a brand with innate qualities that make it function. In the most recent past titans of money such as the Deutschmark have been replaced by new concepts such as the Euro. This requires both mass acceptance and political endorsement. Britain never gave up Sterling as it's money brand.
With the transition of money backed by Gold to fiat money, and the increasing use of credit, debit cards and the internet, the use of Cash has diminished in terms of transactions. The internet has actively encouraged Banks to force their customers to migrate to online services by closing down local branches or using automated cash tellers.
With Crypto Currency the genie is out of the lamp. It is a disruptive force that is unstoppable. Just as the boom was back in the year 2000, Crypto Currency & Blockchain will be an integral part of not only the Financial community but our lives too. Put simply Crypto Currency will be what Amazon has been to the Book store. It will have the same effect on peoples choices as using an email rather than sending letters by post has had. Email is faster significantly cheaper and less likely to be tampered with while in transit.
The Probability of Profits:
By any measure the trend is upward. It is the volatility and access to the market that has been a barrier for mass participation in the past. However , for those that take the time to understand the fundamentals millionaires are being created within months not life times.
If you had of brought £25,000 worth of Bitcoin (BTC) back in January 2016 @ $350 by November of 2021 this would be worth £4,430,000+ .
Had you of brought £ 25,000 worth of Ripple (XRP) also back in January 2016 @ $0.00615 this would be worth £4,349,617 by November 2021
On the other hand buying £25,000 of IOTA (MIOTA) back in August of 2017 @ $0.20 would now be worth £171,250+ by November 2021.
The issue is which currencies are the ones that will succeed and which will fail?
Fountainhead Investments carries out robust analysis of the sector and invests in those currencies that have the strongest probability of success. We diversify, hold , manage or even hedge the portfolio. This enables us to smooth out volatility to capture profits for our shareholders. We have years of experience trading in both Bull & Bear Markets.
Don't miss out on this trend subscribe for shares.
For Private Traders that wish to wish to trade the market themselves they can open their own account and execute trades at their own discretion.
This can be done by opening a trading account with BitMEX.
Click on the logo to register your own account.