The Illusion has become Surreal Real!
"Money is neither lost nor made it's simply transferred from one Illusion to another" Gordon Gecko In Wall Street, paraphrasing the laws...

The Private Investor’s search for growth
Or The Private Investor’s search for growth & How to Avoiding Being Scammed in the Process ATTENTION: Please take your time to read and...

Throwing Conventional "Wisdom" Out!
Or why the Sheep Get Slaughtered “The Beginner needs diversification until he learns the ropes. It (diversification) might be necessary...

The Illusion has become Real!
"Money is neither lost nor made it's simply transferred from one Illusion to another" Gordon Gecko In Wall Street, paraphrasing the laws...

Cassandra's Red Flag
Last Weekend the Financial Times carried an article about the VIX index and the dangers that lie ahead. However Futures Magazine wrote...