The Private Investor’s search for growth
Or The Private Investor’s search for growth & How to Avoiding Being Scammed in the Process ATTENTION: Please take your time to read and...
The 7 rules You should use to invest in Private Equity start-ups
Private Equity, Investing in Start-ups, proprietary trading firms, wealth management, Investing in small companies , high growth shares,
The Name’s Bond - Junk Bond
Private Companies are issuing bonds with high yields which are supposedly "asset backed". Peer 2 Peer lending sector has flourishe
Throwing Conventional "Wisdom" Out!
Or why the Sheep Get Slaughtered “The Beginner needs diversification until he learns the ropes. It (diversification) might be necessary...
Speculative Attitude Essential
I enjoy reading a lot and Gerald M Loeb's renowned book ,while an oldie, is still very much relevant today as it was then. In the 2nd...
The Illusion has become Real!
"Money is neither lost nor made it's simply transferred from one Illusion to another" Gordon Gecko In Wall Street, paraphrasing the laws...
JN Capital Ltd goes Bust!
Meetings of Creditors JNF CAPITAL LIMITED This is an example of an FCA Bucket Shop finally being laid to rest. They were previously...
Funds giving above average returns in a Low Interest Economy !
On March 5, 2009, the Bank of England cut interest rates from 5 per cent to 0.5 per cent – their lowest level since the central bank was...
Since quantitative easing we have seen a huge upraise in HFT trading and sadly since 2008 a demise in the historical proprietary trading...
Cassandra's Red Flag
Last Weekend the Financial Times carried an article about the VIX index and the dangers that lie ahead. However Futures Magazine wrote...